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CoMotion 2023

CoMotion is a student-led motion graphics conference that brings together top industry professionals with Motion Media Design students at the Savannah College of Art and Design; that includes a keynote speech, panel discussions, the annual curated and juried Student Showcase, 1-on-1 portfolio reviews, and an award ceremony.

I worked as one of two producers on this project, leading a team of 39 in creating many deliverables under the direction of Creative Director Aanvik Singh and Art Director Marly Koven. I focused on our Graphic Design, Experiential, Documentary, and Web team.


Documentary by: Libby Nett, Caitlin Crooker, and Savitri Trivedi

Production Timeline:



Above is our project timeline, which had all our due dates and check-ins added to the form. Also included is our key, which helped dictate at what point of the process each deliverable is at. The timeline helped us communicate with MOMELove about our deliverables, ensuring we could properly deliver when needed.

Below I've attached works that I oversaw as a producer.

Created and maintained by: Alexis Dow and Rachel Golla


Designs by: Josie Glassman, Meghna Shourie, Nicole Lin, Punasa Sihsobhon, Sophia D'Alleva, Stephanie Sandoval, and Claire Lin

Animations by: Desmond Du, Cathy Lin, Erica Kim, Harshitha Suresh, Isabelle K. Winarto, Kaleb Sweeney, Kyle Switzer, Meg Aki, Stephen Mok, J.C. Petrofsky


Tri-Fold-Mockup-US-A4-Vol44 copy.jpg


Tri-Fold-Mockup-US-A4-Vol4 copy.jpg

Showcase Card Process:

As one of the first significant deliverables panning across two of our teams, graphic design, and animation, I had to plan for a smooth delivery as this would set the pace for the rest of the project. There was also the challenge of wanting my teams to enjoy their winter break; as people were traveling, it was crucial to keep communication open between the group and me on how they were going on each deliverable.

I started with three weeks only, giving two weeks for conceptualizing and rough renders of the final product and one week to finalize the style frames. At the end of week two, I met with my team leads and directors, and we decided that instead of a three-week process, we would extend it by a week for the more polished and refined results we were looking for. It was then passed onto our animation team at the end of those four weeks, who could animate by the end of winter break, setting the team up for success for the last ten weeks of the project.



Design by: Josie Glassman and Stephanie Sandoval

Design by: Josie Glassman and Stephanie Sandoval

scene-with-paper-mockups-against-the-block-stone-isometric copy.jpg

Macro Postcard


Design by: Josie Glassman, Nicole Lin, and J.C. Petrofsky


Large Event Poster


Micro Postcard


Design by: Josie Glassman and Punasa Sihsobhon

Poster_Mockup_4 copy.jpg

Design by: Josie Glassman



Instagram Grid

Instagram Filter

Design by: Tiffany Lo, Peter Wang, and Antara Ghosh




AR Macro Postcard

Design by: Samantha Woods and Juan Pablo Silhy




AR Micro Postcard

The Experience:

For my first time producing such a large-scale team and event, it was a challenging but rewarding experience understanding every aspect and what part of the swiss army knife I needed to be in the moment. As a result, my leadership has evolved, having to anticipate and understand the needs of my team, directors, and clients; I have learned how anticipating those needs is an integral part of the process.

Leadership is an uphill battle, and learning that I was continuously changing roles to benefit the team was an exhilarating experience. For example, collaborating with team leads, I aided in leading their team to success, explicitly communicating with them in Slack. In addition, working with each team lead helped me to learn how different leadership styles worked, as every group had a different leadership style that helped them.

From leading all team meetings to individual one-on-one sessions, I helped to keep the line of communication flowing throughout every team. 

Animation by: Samantha Woods and Juan Pablo Silhy






Animation by: Samantha Woods and Juan Pablo Silhy






Skills I have learned:

  • Communication

  • Leadership

  • Furniture Refurbishing

  • Carpentry

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